Home How To/Guides How to block stolen or lost phone in Pakistan?

How to block stolen or lost phone in Pakistan?

by Ahsan MuGhaL
1 minutes read
How to block stolen or lost phone in Pakistan

How to block a stolen or lost phone in Pakistan? Here are some easy-to-follow guidelines to secure you’re stolen or lost cell phone‘s personal information. There are four ways to block your cell phone if it gets stolen or lost, as per the website. The first and easy step is to block your mobile phone online. Follow the instructions on the CPLC website to lock your phone: http:/www.cplc.org.pk

How to block stolen or lost phones in Pakistan?

  1. Contact CPLC 24/7 call center & helplines 1102, 021-3568222 and 021-3566222 for snatched / stolen / Lost Mobile Phone complaints.
  2. Provide IMEI no. of a mobile phone stolen/lost/ snatched along with other important information.
  3. Snatched/stolen/ lost mobile phone information is sent to PTA to issue blocking instructions to all operators of the mobile network.
  4. Within 24 hours, mobile network operators blocked/stolen/ lost mobile phones.

You can call the numbers mentioned below to save data from your lost phone by locking it:

  • CPLC: 021-35662222
  • Police: 15
  • PTA: 0800-25625

They will get some basic information along with your lost mobile set’s IMEI number and will ask all mobile operators to block this IMEI on their networks to save your information.

Email and fax include other ways to block your stolen or lost cell phone.

You can fax the complaint to 021-35683336 or send it to imei@pta.gov.pk.

You can find the IMEI number you need to send under the battery and warranty card of your mobile phone, you can also find your IMEI set by dialing the * # 06 # sequence into your phone.

Note: Save your IMEI number before your mobile phone gets something bad.

Also Read: PTA issued a notice to block unregistered mobile phones

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