Home Decor The Top Tips for Matching Your Flooring to Your House’s Aesthetic

The Top Tips for Matching Your Flooring to Your House’s Aesthetic

by Sunbal Razzaq
3 minutes read
Top Tips for Matching Your Flooring to Your House’s Aesthetic

The Top Tips for Matching Your Flooring to Your House’s Aesthetic. Matching the right flooring to your house’s aesthetic can be challenging. Many people overlook the flooring when decorating their home, yet it’s arguably the most important feature of any room. Good quality flooring will be able to withstand daily foot traffic and should last you for decades. Therefore, it’s extremely important that you match your flooring to your home’s aesthetic as it will be with you for a long time. But there are other factors other than durability – for instance, how do you match your grey wood flooring to your green furniture? Should you choose wood or laminate? We’ve listed some tips to help you out.

The Top Tips for Matching Your Flooring to Your House’s Aesthetic

House Flooring


Ideally, you want your flooring to last you as long as possible and not require too much maintenance. Consider how much wear the floor will have to withstand when you’re deciding on what material to go with. For instance, solid wood floors are extremely durable, so are perfect if you’re looking for something strong and sturdy; while laminate flooring doesn’t scratch easily and is ideal for areas of heavy use. 


The floor is the base of any room, so take that into account when matching it to your colour scheme. Yellow-toned wood floors can really compliment a Scandinavian style interior, for instance. Likewise, grey wood flooring looks great with neutral decor, but can also make brighter pastels, such as pink, really pop with colour  – see the options at this link http://www.woodfloorwarehouse.co.uk/laminate-flooring to give you a flavour of the tones of grey available to you.

You might even want to install the floor first and then work the room décor around that if you prefer. Remember that wood, even if it looks colourless, will often still have an underlying hue. Wood flooring tends to have subtle hints of grey or warm autumn shades in its finish, so take that into account when matching wooden flooring to your colour scheme.


The location of the flooring is an important factor when matching it to your home aesthetic. Look at the room as an individual space and match the floor accordingly. For example, if your floor is intended for an area that tends to get damp, such as a bathroom, then one crafted in engineered wood is a good idea because it tends to stand up well to humidity and temperature changes. It’s ok to change flooring from room to room if the interior aesthetic varies throughout your home. Similarly, it’s perfectly fine to use the same flooring throughout if you prefer consistency.


It’s important to consider the theme of your room when choosing a floor to match. It might seem like a small detail, but the type of flooring you have can really enhance and compliment your interior. For instance, if your room has a minimalist aesthetic, then a glossy wooden or laminate floor will give you that clean finish. If your home aesthetic is a bit more rustic, then engineered wooden flooring will add even more character to the space. Throw on a sheepskin rug to break the room up a bit and create a warm, cosy environment.


There are many factors to take into account when choosing a floor to match your home aesthetic. Hopefully, with these tips, you can enjoy good quality, matching flooring in your living space for years to come.

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