How to Search within a Subreddit? Because of its numerous various “subreddits,” or subsidiary forums based on different topics, Reddit dominates the digital space. These themed forums enable individuals from all around the world to participate in ongoing discussions about common interests. When it’s time to move topics, users may simply select a new subreddit from the toolbar at the top. Let’s look at how to search within a particular subreddit.
Reddit is without a doubt one of the most famous websites on the internet. It’s a haven for all types of knowledge, from news to movies to DIY hacks to education and technology. But how can you sift through millions of entries to find particular information on a given topic?
In this article, we’ll show you how to explore a specific Subreddit across multiple devices.
What is Reddit?
Reddit is a collection of web communities that comprise a vast social aggregation platform where users can generate content or curate content created by others. An individual can upvote content to demonstrate that they find it valuable, relevant, and agree with the author’s point of view. They can also downvote the content to indicate their dislike, disapproval, or discontent.
These upvotes and downvotes affect how much attention the content receives. The posts with the most upvotes are displayed at the top. And the great thing about Reddit is that you can do more than simply vote. You are allowed to freely write your own ideas on a topic for others to see. You may even start a discussion and then watch it develop to millions of subscribers.
Each community is referred to as a subreddit. Each subreddit has its own page and is centred on a specific subject or topic, such as movies. A user can follow as many subreddits as they choose. Your Reddit homepage only shows highlights from subreddits to which you have subscribed.
How to Search within a Subreddit
To find inside a subreddit, just go to the Reddit website and click on the subreddit you wish to search within. When you visit that subreddit’s page, the name of the subreddit will display in the search bar. Enter your search word into the box next to it, and press Enter.
Step #1. Visit Subreddit
- There are two ways to find and access the subreddit you want to search within.
- The first method is to just search for the subreddit you wish to visit using the term. This is especially useful if you haven’t yet joined that subreddit.
- When you’ve already joined the subreddit in which you want to search, you can select it from the list by clicking the subreddit dropdown.
Step #2. Use Subreddit Search Bar
- Whenever you visit a subreddit, its name will appear at the top of the interface in the explore Reddit bar. This is how you know you’re looking at that particular subreddit.
- Enter your search query after the subreddit’s name, then press Enter on your keyboard. Alternatively, select Search for “[your search term]” from the ensuing dropdown menu.
- The results of your subreddit search will be shown. Tap the blue Show results from all of Reddit button if you want to search all of Reddit for that search query.
How to search within a subreddit (Android and iOS)
- Install the Reddit mobile app. Use the Search box at the top of the Home screen to find and reach the subreddit you wish to search within.
- When you visit that subreddit, the name of the subreddit will now appear at the top of the search box. Use the search bar to find whatever you’re looking for.