Home Decor What type of paintings should be in living room?

What type of paintings should be in living room?

by Ahsan MuGhaL
5 minutes read
What type of paintings should be in living room

What type of paintings should be in living room? If you really want to decorate your room but are unsure how we propose that you focus on a decor piece such as a living room painting. The selection of a painting for the living room wall should be addressed with caution because it is in the living room where you meet your friends and loved ones, assemble with the entire family, and spend the holidays. Today we’ll show you how to choose a painting for the interior of your living room.

What type of paintings should be in living room?

Living rooms are the heart of the home. It’s the one common square where all of the house’s squares intersect. The objective of your living room, whether formal, informal, or semi-formal, is usually to socialise and interact. As a result, it’s the one room in the house that deserves a lot of art.

Canvas Abstract Artwork for Living Room
Canvas Abstract Artwork for Living Room

If you’re at home, the living room is where you will spend the majority of your time. The living room can be thought of as a mirror of your ego because it defines ‘you.’ As a result, you exercise extreme caution while decorating your living room; you may not desire to be too minimalistic, but you also do not want the area to be overcrowded with stuff that may not look nice in your space. The atmosphere of the space should be pleasant, and you may want to consider wall painting ideas for the living room to improve its appearance. What type of paintings should be in living room?

Rules for Choosing Artistic Images

Paintings for the living room make even the darkest of rooms appear brighter and more aesthetically appealing. They keep the furnishings and general decorating of the area in harmony and balance. When selecting and incorporating artworks into the design of a room, decorators keep the following considerations in mind:

  • Artworks of various styles hung indiscriminately on the walls can cause discord in the interior as well as the unfavourable effect of a lack of aesthetic sensibility.
  • An indoor art show consists of displaying works in the same style or on a single theme on one wall.
  • Paintings are placed on light-dark surfaces with no pattern (whether wallpaper, plaster, or painting) to avoid drawing attention away from the semantic design of the walls.

The proportions of the living room, the area and wall decoration, the style solution of the space, the parameters of furniture and its colours, and the compatibility with interior features all influence the choice of paintings in the living room.

Colour Scheme Selection

When selecting the colour scheme for the house “gallery,” consider the colour scheme of the room furniture, as well as the colour of the curtains, walls, floor, and ceiling. The background for the paintings will be the wall on which they will be displayed. Choose canvases or images in the same colour as the wall, framed by a baguette in a contrasting colour, or play with contrast, accentuating the muted tone of the background with vibrant colours in the paintings.

If the walls in the living room are brightly coloured, avoid using images made in light hues for decorating because the background will visually “squeeze” the photos. You should strive to match the colour of the baguette to the colour of the wooden furniture elements.

Painting Styles

In addition to size, colours, and frames, you should carefully consider the painting’s style. Let’s take a deeper look at the primary alternatives.


If your living room is minimalist in design, you may have one large picture hanging in the centre of an empty main wall or above the sofa. It could be contemporary art from classical painting, in the style of Kazimir Malevich (who, by the way, in addition to the “Black Square” has many similar unusual images with bright and large geometric shapes). Also appropriate is an abstraction, but in a very controlled manner, in two or three colours without gradients, such as a brilliant spot on a white background. If you prefer minimalism, you’ll appreciate vivid abstractions and sleek modular alternatives.

Photographs (necessarily black and white as well as in the minimalism style, simple and without minor details) are ideal for minimalism, as are simple posters with clear, brief inscriptions, and quotes.

Classic Style

A large picture in a trendy gold frame, florid and pretentious, is required. A large-scale panoramic landscape – the sea with ships, a field or woodland, palace sceneries – can be depicted. A traditional portrait of a royal family or a poet, for example, will look stunning. In a nutshell, replicas of classical painters are exactly that. It is also important to choose a proper frame for the photograph in order for it to integrate into the interior in either the classical or modern style.

Scandinavian Style

The Scandinavian living room should “breathe” and be spacious, airy, and bright. In such a place, the painting should be modest and unobtrusive, such as a modular composition with delicate hues. Tapestries depicting birds, animals, plants, bouquets, and leaves will suffice. Everything should be simple, modest, elegant, and devoid of pretension. Landscapes in soft, soothing colours that are simple and appealing are also appropriate. Paintings of animals or birds will adorn the living area, which has a light atmosphere and wooden furnishings.


Photographs in frames, whether black and white or colour, are appropriate for a loft-style living room, but they must be tastefully arranged on the wall so that the composition looks harmonious. You can frame them with a white garland or light bulbs, which look excellent in a loft setting against brick walls. Coloured paintings will draw attention and become vibrant and unique interior decoration. Posters, maps, & Cubist portraits are also excellent choices for a loft.

How to Choose Perfect Painting Size For The Living Room?

According to the principles of visual perception of space:

  • Large paintings hide a small space, whereas small images in a large room are “lost.”
  • The collection on the wall becomes an appealing artistic “place” and can serve as semantic zoning for the living area.
  • A large vertical canvas will visibly increase the height of the room.
  • A huge image arranged horizontally will have the effect of expanding spatial frames throughout the width of the region.
  • The geometry of the living room is not altered by medium-sized square paintings.
  • Above a fireplace or sofa, a giant canvas or multiple large images optically minimise the volume of these interior components.

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