Home Top List 7 Best Minecraft Seeds for PS5 and Xbox

7 Best Minecraft Seeds for PS5 and Xbox

by Ahsan MuGhaL
6 minutes read
Best Minecraft Seeds for PS5

Best Minecraft Seeds for PS5 and Xbox. The Minecraft 1.19 update is now accessible on all modern platforms, including mobile devices and the most recent consoles. Users on practically all platforms are already making use of the recent update, owing to in-game Minecraft instructions and third-party Minecraft mods. Regrettably, PS and Xbox console owners do not have full access to such sophisticated functions.

Best Minecraft Seeds for PS5 and Xbox

Well, fortunately for you, we have compiled a list of the best Minecraft 1.19 seeds for PS4/PS5 and Xbox. You can use these seeds to discover all of the exciting new features of the wild upgrade. To make your exploring easier, we’ve included coordinates for the optimum locations of each seed. That being stated, it’s time to fire up your console and discover the Best Minecraft 1.19 Seeds for PS5 and Xbox.

Our list of seeds includes a wide range of unusual characteristics, from glitched constructions to exotic biomes. The list isn’t ranked, and you may use the table below to browse all Minecraft 1.19 seeds. But, if you haven’t upgraded your game, use the linked page to find the 7 best Minecraft 1.18 seeds for PS4 and Xbox.

1. Spawn Next to Jungle Temple

Spawn Next to Jungle Temple

The first seed on our list is also one of the most visually appealing Minecraft seeds for PS4/PS5 and Xbox. It spawns you on the bank of a river, directly across from a Jungle temple. This temple, unlike most others in the game, is entirely exposed and generated on the side of a hill. You can enter from the side and evade almost all of the traps before obtaining the loot.

After you’ve finished robbing the temple, explore the area’s wet cave openings. A little lake on top of a rich cave ecosystem is one such opening. You can enter it and find the ideal location to build a secret cave base on this seed.

Seed Code-8494534497145715813
Jungle Temple Coordiantes37, 89, 86
Beautiful Cave Coordinates-34, 67, 173
Spawn BiomeJungle

2. Huge Mangrove Swamp Spawn

Huge Mangrove Swamp Spawn

If you haven’t yet explored the new mangrove swamp habitat, this seed is ideal for you. It spawns the player in the middle of a massive mangrove swamp biome, complete with its trademark features, such as frogs in Minecraft, displaying themselves in all their splendour. Therefore, keep a box of tissues nearby while you load this seed. It’s impossible not to miss Minecraft 1.19’s famous fireflies.

Seed Code1991159181765928209
Spawn BiomeMangrove Swamp

3. Too Cold to Survive

Too Cold to Survive

This is a tough seed. It appears attractive on the surface, yet it has the potential to starve you to death over time. You spawn in a world with exclusively frigid biomes for the first few thousand blocks. It implies that food is scarce. and regrettably, there aren’t many villages to rely upon either.

But, before you give up, there’s a cave opening immediately next to your spawn point that leads to an uncovered mineshaft. The mineshaft riches can help you survive for a while, however good luck with everything else.

Seed Code-7395339824753414002
Spawn BiomeSnowy Plains
Mineshaft Coordinates-54, -43, 690

4. World of Lara Croft

World of Lara Croft

It’s time to hone your parkour and exploring abilities because this seed is nostalgic and brings back many memories. You will spawn in a massive jungle environment with a river running through it and numerous underground caverns throughout the region.

Whether you build a secret base or simply explore the great resources, this seed will provide you with an experience similar to Lara Croft. But don’t miss the lush cave entrance near the panda habitat, the locations for which are listed below.

Seed Code-4298431919489035528
Lush Cave with Pandas Coordiantes-24, 63, 109
Spawn BiomeJungle

5. Seaside Village

Seaside Village - Minecraft Seeds for PS5

The seeds that spawn you inside a village are usually the most popular in Minecraft. What’s even better than those seeds are those whose spawn town is in a rare beautiful location. That is what this seed offers. It places you in a tiny taiga settlement adjacent to an ocean, surrounded by a large birch forest.

You may find the most common varieties of villagers here to help you begin your adventure journey in this planet. It is then up to you to either build a Minecraft house in the gorgeous location or dig down to acquire the many underwater ores in the area.

Seed Code-2327446050637187273
Spawn BiomeTaiga

6. Beautiful Plains

Beautiful Plains Seed - Minecraft Seeds for PS5

Once a widespread biome, the levelled plains have suddenly become rare in Minecraft. And it’s all thanks to the recent updates. Fortunately, this seed notices and spawns us in one of the most magnificent plains biomes.

It features a large open space where you can construct a complete city. To top it off, the plains are flanked on all sides by gorgeous mountains. If you want to make one of the best Minecraft custom maps, this is the seed to use.

Seed Code-303868612685583381
Spawn BiomePlains

7. Survival Island with Portal

Survival Island with Portal

It’s difficult to ignore the excitement of survival island seeds, regardless of the version of the game you’re playing. They place you in a difficult situation with nearly no resources, and you must, like an underdog, find a method to conquer the world. In that light, this Minecraft 1.19 seed is gentle on PS5 and Xbox players.

You start on a little island with numerous larger islands nearby that have enough wood to last you the entire game. What makes it truly unique is the ruined portal immediately next to your spawn point, which has just enough obsidian and lava to quickly establish a Nether portal. Survival islands seldom double as Minecraft 1.19 speedrun seeds, so this one is undoubtedly exceptional.

Seed Code-750738028158681627
Spawn BiomeBeach
Ruined Portal Coordinates248, 55, 40


In conclusion, Minecraft seeds are a fantastic way to explore and experience the game uniquely. With the release of the PS5, players have an opportunity to delve into Minecraft like never before, with improved graphics and faster processing speeds. There are countless Minecraft seeds available, each offering its distinct landscape, resources, and challenges.

Whether players are seeking an epic adventure or a peaceful place to build their dream home, there is a Minecraft seed out there for everyone. From the towering mountains of Seed #715986155419141 to the sprawling villages of Seed #829193957346437, the possibilities are truly endless.

By experimenting with different Minecraft seeds on their PS5, players can unlock discoveries and experience the game in exciting new ways. So, grab your controller, load up your favourite Minecraft seed, and embark on a journey like no other.

Also Read: 25 Best Minecraft Seeds Exclusively for the PS4

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