Employees can use AI to improve their job opportunities, says an HR specialist. Employees are understandably concerned about job security in the age of artificial intelligence (AI), but there are numerous options. Employees may be concerned about the threat that Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses to their job security, but it also provides a huge opportunity, according to one human resources leader.
Employees can use AI to improve their job opportunities
One significant question on the minds of Irish business leaders is what role Artificial Intelligence will play in the future operation of their company. Kate Killeen, people lead at EPAM Systems Inc in Ireland (EPAM Ireland), provides insights on how AI is currently progressing in the Irish work context in this Q&A interview.
EPAM is a software engineering firm that specialises in software engineering services, digital platform engineering, and digital product design. The company was founded in Newtown, Pennsylvania, and has an office in Blackrock, Dublin. EPAM has collaborated with 150+ of the world’s most inventive software and technology firms to help generate next-generation solutions to today’s most pressing technological concerns.
EPAM is well-positioned to assist people in understanding AI’s role in the future of HR.
Should workers be concerned about their job security in the age of AI?
It is reasonable for employees to be concerned about their job security, but I believe the major focus for individuals and organisations should be to collaborate on managing any changes so that employees feel informed and are not left feeling concerned about the unknown.
There is little doubt that technology can improve efficiencies in a variety of activities. Individuals and teams should take a step back to consider where these efficiencies might come in and how they will affect jobs and ways of working in the short, medium, and long term.
Over the years, we have seen how roles have evolved, and in many cases, this has resulted in significant opportunities (for example, the development and modernization of cloud-native architecture).
Some roles and procedures will evolve as AI advances, but this allows employees the opportunity to adapt and discover methods to grow their existing roles. Employees who are well-informed, adaptable, and solution-oriented will be well-positioned to deal with any future changes.
While there will undoubtedly be some challenges for businesses to solve, it also provides possibilities for open and transparent discussions about career planning, skill extension, knowledge exchange, and overall professional growth.
Employees might also be proactive in this area by starting internal conversations about the subject. They should freely share their worries, but also any prospects for future development of their job that AI has only made possible.”
Should businesses be concerned about falling behind?
We’ve all seen the rapid rate of change with AI, which presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses. Some organisations are attempting to gain a first-mover advantage in the space, which can be effective provided the environment is nimble and adaptable enough to support this strategy. It will be critical for these organisations to strive for long-term effectiveness.

Many businesses are in various degrees of AI adoption, with many remaining in the very early stages. Whatever strategy an organisation takes, the objective is to establish the proper balance within the context of your environment and your people. What works well in one organisation may not work well in another, as it is dependent on a variety of conditions.
It frequently comes back to an organization’s culture and current ways of operating. If a company is relatively agile and adaptable, with fluid working methods and excellent teamwork, the rate of AI adoption will be faster and more successful. Organisations with lesser levels of change readiness and set ways of working, on the other hand, may find AI implementation and general adoption more difficult.
I believe it is critical for businesses to focus on how effectively changes and their associated impact are mapped out and managed inside rather than on whether they are ‘falling behind’. It is critical to be realistic about what might function successfully in a certain organisation. AI is and will be the driver for considerable change in many businesses, but it must be adequately planned and measured.
There are numerous opportunities to learn from what early adopters have done. This will assist others in understanding and avoiding any traps or issues that these early adopters may have encountered. Organisations may save time and resources by doing so.
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How will HR teams handle the impact of AI on new methods of working, interactions, processes, culture, and so on?
In order for me to offer strategic value as a People Lead, I need to have a good grasp of how AI is being used, both in terms of functionality and its broad application across all functions at an organisational level. When it comes to working methods, interactions, processes, and culture, the more informed you are, the better equipped you are to provide reliable opinions and suggestions.
If you already have deep expertise, it is fantastic, but I feel that having a general understanding of the subject will be sufficient for you to begin engaging with your business on the subject. The essential thing is to not avoid debates about it since the more you discuss it, the more you will learn.
My primary piece of advice on this is to engage with people across your organization’s various teams to better understand how they believe AI will shape their work.
There will be people around you who have very precise and extensive experience with AI, so I would solicit their opinions to see whether they match your own, or if they provide you with new insights or even new routes to pursue. The important thing to remember is that everyone will be in a different stage and will have a different view of it.
It’s also a good idea to start conversations outside of your organisation, such as with other HR professionals in your network. Being proactive and having these conversations can help you learn how other organisations are utilising AI and what issues they may be facing.
For example, I recently co-hosted a roundtable discussion with a group of HR leaders from various firms and industries. We conducted an open and honest discussion about the stages of AI adoption, as well as the accompanying risks and potential from a people and organisational standpoint. The insights were quite useful, but it was also an excellent opportunity to build a network of HR professionals who may be interested in continuing discussions about AI as it matures.
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