Home How To/GuidesAndroid How do I free up space on my Android Phone? 

How do I free up space on my Android Phone? 

by Ahsan MuGhaL
3 minutes read
How do I free up space on my Android Phone

How do I free up space on my Android Phone? how to free up space on the android internal memory. how do I free up space on my Samsung phone? We’ve all experienced this moment of dread: you’re about to capture your son or daughter’s video doing something particularly cute or hilarious. But then the doom pop-up: on your phone you’re out of space.

How do I free up space on my Android Phone?

You may have lost that moment, but there are plenty of ways to free up space on your Android phone to avoid something like that happening again. Good management of storage is important to ensure that when you need it, you always have the space you need.

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Here’s how to keep track of the apps that hog useful space on your Android phone, make room for new apps, pictures, and other content, and even add more storage to your device.

Free up space

You can clear space on your Android device to download more apps and media, or to help your device run better. You can see what storage or memory uses and then delete those files or apps.

  • Storage is where data like music and pictures are stored.
  • Memory is where you run programs such as Android and apps.

Note: Some steps work only on Android 9 and the latest android version.

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Check and Free up storage

  1. Open the Settings app of your device, then see which app consumes more storage.
  2. Tap Storage.
  3. Tap category.

Select from a list of photos, videos and apps you haven’t used recently.

  1. Open the Settings app for your device.
  2. Tap Storage.
  3. Click on Free up storage.
  4. Tap the empty box on the right to pick something to delete. (Tap Review Recent items if nothing is listed.)
  5. To delete chosen items, tap Free up at the bottom.

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Apps & app data usage

Uninstall applications that you are not using

You can download it again if you uninstall an app and later need it. You’re not going to have to purchase it again if you paid for the app.

Clear cache of the app or storage of data

You can clear the storage of an application in two ways:

  1. Clear Cache
    • Deletes temporary data. The next time you use them, some applications can open more slowly.
  2. Clear storage
    • removes all app information permanently. We suggest first attempting to delete the app from the inside.

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Click Clear App Storage

  1. Open your device’s Settings app.
  2. Tap Apps & Notifications.
  3. Click to see all applications, then save the app.
  4. Click on Clear Storage cache.
  5. Tap Clear information if “Clear Storage” is not displayed.

Delete Personal Files

Tip: Open your Settings app > Storage > Files > folder to see more files using space on your android device.

Copy files to a computer

You can move and delete files and folders from your device to a USB-cable computer.

Check and free memory

Android manages the memory used by the apps. Usually, you don’t need to close apps. But if an app does not respond, try to close the app. You can delete the app if you think an app is using too much memory.

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