Home How To/GuidesApple How to Fix CoreServicesUiAgent Won’t Close?

How to Fix CoreServicesUiAgent Won’t Close?

by Ahsan MuGhaL
3 minutes read
How to Fix CoreServicesUiAgent Won't Close

How to Fix CoreServicesUiAgent Won’t Close? GateKeeper is a native macOS security tool that monitors and prevents malware from entering your machine through the apps you’ve installed. The CoreServicesUIAgent is a built-in GUI agent that alerts users when the system has to validate third-party apps to ensure they are not a security risk.

How to Fix CoreServicesUiAgent Won’t Close?

When you install programmes that aren’t from the App Store, the system automatically checks them to guarantee they don’t infect your computer with malware. As a result, you may occasionally see a “CoreServicesUIAgent is verifying the app” message. The issue is that the CoreServicesUIAgent window does not always close. The only option for users is to minimise the window.

Method #1. Force Quit the App

To force the troublesome app to quit, hold down the Option + Command + Escape keys. Alternatively, go to Applications, Utilities, and then launch the Activity Monitor to force quit both the app and the CoreServicesUIAgent.

When it comes to eliminating troublesome apps or processes that refuse to close, the Activity Monitor is your best friend. You can proceed to the next step or restart your Mac to ensure that any temporary files linked with the issue app are removed from the system.

Method #2. Update Mac to Fix CoreServicesUiAgent Won’t Close

If you’re anything like me, you probably wait a few weeks before installing the most recent macOS version on your machine. That persistent CoreServicesUIAgent verification window may suggest that the programme in question is infected with malware.

Install the most recent macOS updates to take advantage of the most recent security patches and assist your device in successfully combating malware.

Method #3. Open the app by right-clicking on it

To avoid the verification dialogue window, simply right-click the app and select Open. Your Mac should show a verification progress bar before displaying the second Open button. Click Open to see if you can run the app normally.

You can also uninstall the app that caused the CoreServicesUIAgent verification window to remain on the screen. Then restart your Mac, download the software again, right-click it this time and select Open.

Method #4. Consider this a potential malware threat

Because prevention is usually better than cure, regard that persistent “CoreServicesUIAgent is verifying the app” alert as a warning sign of a malware infection. After you’ve forced-quit the troublesome software, launch the free Malwarebytes anti-malware and EtreCheck tools. Examine whether these two instruments find anything unusual. If they do, let them remove the threats from your Mac.

Method #5. Allow Applications from Anywhere

When your Mac cannot identify the developer of the app you are attempting to start, it will block it automatically. If you’re very certain the app is safe, you can instruct your Mac to allow programmes from anywhere. Keep in mind that by doing so, you are effectively giving up the protection that Apple has placed into the operating system. As a result, proceed at your own risk.

Apple removed the option to allow programmes downloaded from anywhere to operate on your laptop on purpose. Follow the instructions below to restore and enable the option on your Mac.

  1. Launch the Terminal and type sudo spctl -master-disable.
  2. Return to the previous screen, input your password, and then return to the previous screen.
  3. Select Security & Privacy from the System Preferences menu.
  4. To access the settings, click the lock icon.
  5. Then, under Allow apps to be downloaded from, select Anywhere.
  6. Lock the modifications and restart the troublesome app.


If the CoreServicesUIAgent confirming window does not close, your Mac may have detected a potentially harmful app. Force-quit the troublesome app, scan your Mac with Malwarebytes and EtreCheck for malware, and update your Mac.

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