Home Technology News In some Windows 10 sandboxes, Microsoft has hidden Chromium Edge

In some Windows 10 sandboxes, Microsoft has hidden Chromium Edge

by Ahsan MuGhaL
2 minutes read
In some Windows 10 sandboxes, Microsoft has hidden Chromium Edge

In some Windows 10 sandboxes, Microsoft has hidden Chromium Edge. FOLLOWING MICROSOFT’S leaky introduction to the reconstructed Edge browser, now powered by Google’s Chromium engine, the company has made more inroads to make it look a little normal.

In some Windows 10 sandboxes, Microsoft has hidden Chromium Edge

Windows Insider Program members (the beta scheme that was built to ensure what happened with the latest Windows update doesn’t, except it did), have spotted the refreshed browser hidden in the latest version.

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Version 18865 contains hidden Edge-as-a-Chrome within the Windows Sandbox. If you haven’t found it before, Windows Sandbox will enable you to run programs in a walled garden environment, making sure your shenanigans won’t affect the rest of your system.

Edge version is hidden in that sandbox and almost passive-aggressive message that it’s ready-not-ready for primetime. Although it is possible to install Edge/Chromium alongside Edge/Edge, it seems that Microsoft was keen not to muddy the waters too much.

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After all – if Edge / Chromium were unstable, users would end up downloading a browser from a third party to keep working, and that would never happen. Not everyone will have the hidden build; it appears to roll out to a sub-group of testers and so far any attempts to override the decision have failed-if you’re not in, at least for now, you’re not in.

German site deskmodder.de found the hidden gem, but there is nothing to suggest that Germany is the test bed-it seems just a coincidence. If you want to see if you’re part of the cool kids, checking the icon on your desktop will be the best way. If there is Microsoft Edge, but the icon is transparent, happy days, you have Edge / Chromium.

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If not, sorry, it looks like with the rest of us you’ll have to wait. Or you can install the old construction that leaked a few weeks ago. We don’t take responsibility for borkage – it’s a fact, it’s not counselling.

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