Home Informative List of Myth and Monster Combinations in Little Alchemy 2

List of Myth and Monster Combinations in Little Alchemy 2

by Henry
8 minutes read
List of Myth and Monster Combinations in Little Alchemy 2

List of Myth and Monster Combinations in Little Alchemy 2. In August of 2017, Little Alchemy 2 was published on PC and mobile devices it is the sequel of little alchemy. This List has one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date lists of Ingredients and Element combinations in the game Little alchemy 2.

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats are a set of instructions that will assist you in completing the game. Here is a list of myths and Monsters combinations in little alchemy 2.

List of Myth and Monster Combinations in Little Alchemy 2

Produced ElementsCombinations of Ingredients
Sandair, stone / wind, stone / air, rock / wind, rock / air, pebble / wind, pebble
Sand Castlesand, castle / beach, castle / desert, castle / dune, castle
Sandpapersand, paper / sand, fabric
Sandstonestone, sand / sand, rock / earth, sand
Sandstormstorm, sand / tornado, sand / sand, motion / storm, desert / tornado, desert / wind, desert / desert, motion
Sandwichbread, meat / bread, bacon / cheese, bread / bread, vegetable / bread, ham
Santahuman, Christmas tree / human, Christmas stocking / Christmas tree, legend / Christmas stocking, legend / Christmas tree, story / story, Christmas stocking
Saptree, blade
Saturnring, planet / small, Jupiter
Scalpelblade, doctor / blade, hospital / blade, ambulance / sword, doctor / sword, hospital / sword, ambulance
Scarecrowhuman, hay / hay, statue / golem, hay / statue, farm / barn, statue / pumpkin, sack / jack-o-lantern, sack / hay, sack
Sciencehuman, telescope / human, microscope / human, universe
Scissorsblade, blade / sword, sword / blade, sword / blade, paper / sword, paper
Scorpionanimal, dune / sand, animal / dune, spider / sand, spider / desert, spider
Scuba Tankair, container / atmosphere, container / oxygen, container
Scytheblade, grass / blade, wheat / grass, sword / wheat, sword / axe, grass / axe, wheat
Seawater, lake / lake, big / ocean, small / lake, lake
Seagullsea, bird / ocean, bird / bird, beach / sea, pigeon / ocean, pigeon / beach, pigeon / sea, rat / ocean, rat / beach, rat
Seahorseocean, horse / sea, horse / water, horse / fish, horse / horse, lake
Sealsea, dog / ocean, dog / dog, arctic / dog, lake / water, dog
Seaplanesea, airplane / ocean, airplane / airplane, lake / water, airplane
Seasicknessboat, sickness / steamboat, sickness / sailboat, sickness / ocean, sickness / sea, sickness / sickness, lake
Seaweedocean, plant / sea, plant / plant, lake / ocean, grass / sea, grass
Seedplant, pollen / bee, pollen / time, flower
Sewing Machineneedle, machine / electricity, needle / robot, needle / thread, machine / electricity, thread / robot, thread
Sharkocean, blood / sea, blood / ocean, wolf / sea wolf / fish, blood / fish, wolf
Sheeplivestock, wool / livestock, hill / livestock, land / cloud, livestock / goat, domestication / mountain goat, domestication
Sheet Musicpaper, music / music, book
Shoveltool, gardner
Shurikenblade, star / sword, star / metal, star / steel, star / blade, ninja
Sicknesshuman, bacteria / swamp, human / human, sickness
Silowheat, container / house, wheat / wheat, barn / wheat, wall / wheat, farm / wheat, safe / wheat, bank
Skateboardwheel, snowboard / wheel, skier / wheel, ski goggles
Skeletontime, corpse / bone, bone / corpse, bone
Ski Gogglessnow, glasses / snow, sunglasses / cold, glasses / cold, sunglasses / glasses, glacier / glacier, sunglasses / glasses, skier / sunglasses, skier
Skierhuman, ski goggles / human, mountain / human, mountain range
Skyair, cloud / sun, atmosphere / light, atmosphere / moon, sun
Skyscrapersky, house / sky, village / house, big / cloud, house
Sleighsnow, cart / snow, wagon / ice, cart / ice, wagon / cart, arctic / wagon, arctic / Antarctica, cart / Antarctica, wagon
Slothtime, animal / tree, manatee
Smallbacteria, philosophy / oxygen, philosophy / carbon dioxide, philosophy / ozone, philosophy / pebble, philosophy / rivulet, philosophy / ant, philosophy / spider, philosophy / bee, philosophy / confetti, philosophy / scorpion, philosophy / seahorse, philosophy
Smogsmoke, fog / fog, city / smoke, city / atmosphere, city / air, city
Smokeearth, gas / water, campfire / time, campfire / storm, campfire / fire, plant / fire, grass / fire, tree / fire, wood / fire, air
Smoke Signalcampfire, fabric / smoke, fabric / smoke, letter
Smoothiefruit, blender / fruit, ice / fruit, cold
Snakeanimal, rope / wire, animal / electric eel, land
Snowrain, cold / steam, cold / rain, mountain / rain, mountain range
Snow Globesnow, crystal ball / snowman, crystal ball / snowball, crystal ball / crystal ball, snowmobile / Santa, crystal ball / Christmas tree, crystal ball / Christmas stocking, crystal ball / blizzard, crystal ball / ice, crystal ball / cold, crystal ball / glass, snow / glass, snowman / glass, snowball / glass, snowmobile / glass, Santa / glass, Christmas tree / glass, Christmas stocking / glass, blizzard
Snowballstone, snow / snow, rock / earth, snow / human, snow
Snowboardwood, snow / snow, surfer / wood, ice / ice, surfer / mountain, surfer / surfer, mountain range
Snowmanhuman, snow / snow, carrot / snowball, carrot / coal, snow / coal, snowball / snowball, snowball
Snowmobilesnow, motorcycle / snow, car / glacier, motorcycle / car, glacier / ice, motorcycle / ice, car
Soapash, oil / ash, wax / oil, wax / clay, wax / clay, oil
Sodawater, carbon dioxide / juice, carbon dioxide / carbon dioxide, tea
Soilearth, life / earth, organic matter / life, land / land, organic matter
Solar Celltool, sun / tool, light / sun, machine / sun, electricity / energy, sun
Solar Systemplanet, planet / sun, planet / sun, container / planet, container / Mars, container / Mercury, container / Venus, container / Jupiter, container / Saturn, container
Solidearth, idea / earth, science
Soundair, wave / human, wave / wave, wolf / wave, animal
Spacesky, star / sun, star / moon, star / night, solar system / sky, solar system
Space Stationhouse, space / space, wall / space, village / house, atmosphere / atmosphere, wall / atmosphere, village
Spaceshipairplane, space / metal, space / steel, space / space, pirate ship / boat, space / steamboat, space / car, space / astronaut, container
Spaghettithread, pasta / wire, pasta / pasta, rope
Sphinxlion, statue / desert, statue / statue, pyramid / stone, lion
Spideranimal, thread / animal, web / animal, net
Spotlightlight, machine / metal, light / steel, light
Sprinklessugar, confetti / rainbow, sugar / double rainbow!, sugar / sugar, paint
Squirreltree, mouse / plant, mouse / mouse, nuts / animal, nuts
Starsky, night / night, telescope / space, telescope / sky, space / night, space / sun, space
Starfishfish, star / sea, star / ocean, star
Statuestone, hammer / hammer, boulder / human, medusa / hacker, medusa / engineer, medusa / lumberjack, medusa / pilot, medusa / sailor, medusa / firefighter, medusa / farmer, medusa / surfer, medusa / astronaut, medusa / butcher, medusa / doctor, medusa / baker, medusa / drunk, medusa / mirror, medusa
Steakmeat, BBQ / fire, cow / cow, BBQ / fire, meat
Steamwater, heat / water, fire / water, lava / water, gas
Steam Enginesteam, machine / steam, wheel / boiler, wheel
Steamboatsteam engine, boat / steam engine, sailboat / steam engine, pirate ship / ocean, steam engine / sea, steam engine
Steelmetal, charcoal / coal, metal / metal, mineral / ash, metal
Steel Woolsteel, wool / metal, wool / wire, wool
Stethoscopetool, doctor / doctor, drum / doctor, sound / tool, sound / tool, hospital
Stoneearth, solid / earth, pressure / air, lava
Stormcloud, electricity / electricity, atmosphere / cloud, cloud / rain, wind
Storyhuman, campfire / human, hero
Streampond, motion / big, rivulet / river, small
String Phonewire, paper cup / thread, paper cup / wire, cup / thread, cup
Stun Gungun, electricity / electricity, bow / energy, gun / energy, bow / gun, wire
Sugarfire, juice / energy, juice / energy, fruit / fire, fruit / fire, alcohol / energy, alcohol / fire, beer / energy, beer / fire, wine / energy, wine
Sunsky, light / fire, sky / day, space / sky, day / fire, planet / light, planet / light, day
Sundialwheel, sun / wheel, day / wheel, light / tool, sun / tool, day / tool, light / sun, watch / sun, clock / light, watch / clock, light
Sunflowerplant, sun / sun, flower
Sunglassessun, glasses / beach, glasses / day, glasses / sky, glasses / light, glasses
Supernovaexplosion, star / explosion, sun / explosion, galaxy / explosion, space
Surferhuman, wave / human, beach
Sushifish, seaweed / caviar, seaweed
Swampmud, grass / mud, tree / algae, lake / algae, pond / lake, reed / pond, reed / tree, lake
Sweatertool, wool / human, wool
Swim Goggleswater, glasses / water, sunglasses / glasses, lake / sunglasses, lake / sea, glasses / sea, sunglasses / ocean, glasses / ocean, sunglasses / glasses, river / sunglasses, river
Swimmerwater, human / human, swim goggles / human, pond / human, swimming pool
Swimming Poolhouse, lake / house, swimmer / aquarium, big
Swordblade, wood / metal, blade / steel, blade
Swordfishfish, sword / blade, fish / sword, shark / blade, shark
Syringedoctor, needle / tool, needle
Tankarmor, car / gun, car / metal, car / steel, car
Teawater, leaf / human, leaf / leaf, heat
Telescopesky, glass / glass, star / glass, space / glass, moon / glass, planet / glass, Mercury / glass, Mars / glass, Jupiter / glass, Saturn / glass, galaxy / glass, galaxy cluster / glass, universe / glass, supernova
Tentwood, fabric / house, fabric / village, fabric / wall, fabric
The One Ringvolcano, ring / ring, magic
Thermometerglass, quicksilver / tool, quicksilver / engineer, quicksilver
Threadtool, cotton / cotton, cotton / wheel, cotton / cotton, machine
Tideocean, moon / sea, moon / ocean, time / sea, time
TimeUnlocked through progression.
Titanicsteamboat, iceberg / boat, iceberg / iceberg, legend / steamboat, legend
Toastfire, bread / fire, sandwich / bread, warmth / sandwich, warmth
Tobaccoplant, smoke / grass, smoke / fire, plant
Toolmetal, human / steel, human / human, wood / stone, human / human, rock / metal, wood / steel, wood / stone, wood / wood, rock
Toolboxtool, container / tool, safe / hammer, container / hammer, box / tool, box / ruler, container / ruler, box / steel wool, container / steel wool, box / chain, box / chain, container
Tornadostorm, storm / storm, wind / storm, motion / wind, big / wind, wind / wind, motion
Toucanbird, rainbow / bird, palm / palm, seagull / palm, pigeon / palm, owl / bird, double rainbow!
Tractorfarmer, car / field, car / farmer, wagon / field, wagon / cow, car / cow, wagon
Trainsteel, steam engine / metal, steam engine / steam engine, wheel / steam engine, wagon
Trainyardtrain, container / train, house / train, wall / train, garage
Treasurepirate, treasure map / pirate ship, treasure map / island, treasure map / sailor, treasure map
Treasure Mappirate, map / map, pirate ship / map, treasure / island, map
Treeplant, big / plant, wood / nest, container
Treehousetree, house / tree, wood
Trojan Horsewood, horse / horse, machine / horse, statue
Tsunamiocean, earthquake / sea, earthquake / ocean, explosion / sea, explosion / ocean, meteor / sea, meteor
Tunnelengineer, mountain / engineer, mountain range / engineer, hill / train, mountain / train, mountain range / train, hill / mountain, cave / hill, cave / mountain range, cave
Turtlesand, egg / beach, animal / lizard, beach / egg, beach
Twilightday, night / time, day
Tyrannosaurus Rexmeat, dinosaur / blood, dinosaur / dinosaur, monarch
UFOrocket, alien / airplane, alien / alien, spaceship / alien, space station / sky, alien / alien, container
Umbrellarain, tool / rain, fabric / storm, fabric / storm, tool
Unicornhorse, legend / rainbow, horse / double rainbow!, horse / horse, story / horse, magic
Universegalaxy cluster, galaxy cluster / space, container / galaxy cluster, container
Vacuum Cleanerelectricity, broom / broom, machine
Vampirehuman, blood / human, vampire / human, bat
Vaseplant, pottery / pottery, flower / rose, container / flower, container / pottery, rose / rose, bottle / flower, bottle / plant, bottle
Vaultsafe, big
Vegetablefield, farmer / forest, farmer / plant, farmer / plant, field / plant, domestication
Venusacid rain, planet / planet, smog / volcano, planet
Villagehouse, house / family, family / house, container / bakery, container / house, bakery
Vinerope, rainforest / thread, rainforest / wire, rainforest
Vinegarwine, oxygen / air, wine / time, wine
Volcanolava, mountain / fire, mountain / pressure, mountain / earth, lava / lava, hill / fire, hill / pressure, hill / lava, container
Vulturebird, corpse / corpse, eagle / corpse, hummingbird / corpse, owl / corpse, pigeon / corpse, penguin / chicken, corpse / corpse, duck / bird, desert / desert, eagle / desert, hummingbird / desert, owl / desert, pigeon / desert, penguin / desert, duck
Wagonhorse, cart / cart, fabric / house, cart / cart, wall / cow, cart
Wallbrick, brick/wood, wood/stone, stone
Wandwood, wizard / sword, wizard / tool, wizard / pencil, wizard
Warmthair, heat/human, heat
Warriorhuman, sword/human, bow
Watchhuman, clock/clock, small
Waterice, heat/snow, heat
Water Gunwater, gun / gun, stream / gun, puddle
Water Lilypond, flower / flower, puddle / flower, lake / flower, stream
Water Pipewater, pipe
Waterfallmountain, river / river, mountain range / river, hill / mountain, lake / mountain range, lake / lake, hill
Waveocean, wind / ocean, storm / sea, wind / sea, storm / wind, lake / storm, lake / ocean, hurricane / sea, hurricane / lake, hurricane
Waxbee, beehive/wall, beehive/blade, beehive/sword, beehive/tool, beehive/beehive, beekeeper
Webthread, spider / cotton, spider / fabric, spider / spider, net
Werewolfhuman, wolf/human, werewolf
Wheatgrass, domestication / farmer, grass / field, grass
Wheeltool, motion / stone, motion / metal, motion / steel, motion / water, tool / tool, stream / tool, river
Wild Boaranimal, pig/forest, pig/pig, hill
Windair, motion / atmosphere, motion / air, pressure
Wind Turbineelectricity, windmill/windmill, machine/electrician, windmill/electricity, wind
Windmillwind, house/wind, wheel/wind, wheat/wind, flour/wheel, wall
Windsurferwind, surfer
Winefruit, alcohol
Wiremetal, electricity / steel, electricity / electricity, rope / metal, rope / steel, rope
Witchwizard, broom / human, broom / broom, legend / story, broom / broom, magic / broom, cauldron / cauldron, legend / story, cauldron
Wizardhuman, magic/human, rainbow/human, double rainbow! / human, unicorn
Wolfmoon, animal / animal, dog / forest, dog / blood, dog
Woodtree, tool / tree, axe / tree, chainsaw / tree, sword / tree, lumberjack / tool, forest / axe, forest / forest, chainsaw / forest, lumberjack
Woodpeckerbird, wood/tree, bird/bird, forest
Wooltool, sheep/scissors, sheep/blade, sheep
Wrapping Paperpaper, gift / Christmas tree, paper / paper, Christmas stocking / paper, Santa
Yetimountain, story / story, mountain range / glacier, story / Antarctica, story / mountain, legend / mountain range, legend / glacier, legend / Antarctica, legend /
Yoghurtmilk, bacteria/bacteria, ice cream
Zombielife, corpse / corpse, story / corpse, bacteria / human, zombie
Zooanimal, container/animal, cage

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