Home How To/Guides When Do Space Heaters Save Money?

When Do Space Heaters Save Money?

by Ahsan MuGhaL
5 minutes read
When Do Space Heaters Save Money

When Do Space Heaters Save Money? Everyone relies more on their heating systems to stay warm throughout the colder months of the year. Even for those of us who strive to use energy efficiently, cold temperatures frequently necessitate the use of a heat pump for longer periods of time, resulting in greater power bills than at other times of the year.

When Do Space Heaters Save Money?

Space Heaters

Space heaters are frequently used by members as a convenient alternative for warming draughty areas of their homes and also provide a little extra warmth. However, for people who use space heaters to save money, it may be more efficient to rely on their HVAC system.

The amount of energy your space heater uses, its age, and the effectiveness of your heating system are all elements that can have a significant impact on which option is best for your home, according to the Department of Energy.

A solid rule of thumb is that space heaters can be an efficient solution for heating a single room or small space. If one section of your home often seems colder than others, or if you’re just seeking a little extra heat, a space heater can be a cost-effective alternative to raising the temperature across your home.

Do Space Heaters Save Money

However, utilising space heaters in every room to replace your home’s central heating system is inefficient and might increase your monthly electric bill. In fact, according to the Department of Energy, using an HVAC system costs less than half of what it would cost to heat a home or office with portable heaters.

If you’re having difficulties keeping your home warm, check to explore more permanent heat-saving solutions before turning to space heaters. Weatherstripping portions of your home where warm air may be escaping or replacing your heating system if it isn’t working properly might help you save money while staying comfortable.

Space Heater Energy Tips

Space heaters can be an excellent alternative for remaining warm in cold areas of your home in some cases. If you do utilise a space heater, keep the following tips in mind to maximise your savings:

  • To prevent consuming more energy than necessary, purchase a space heater designed to heat a room roughly the size of the one where you intend to use it.
  • Compare the wattages of similar models to see which is most efficient.
  • Look for a thermostat and timer setting that can save energy while preventing overheating in the space.
  • Turn down the thermostat on the central unit if you’re using the space heater to prevent increasing your heating bills.
  • Follow all safety precautions for your space heater, and never leave it unattended.

How Much Money Can I Save Using a Space Heater?

Space heaters are ideal for warming up a small area or keeping your feet warm and toasty in the evenings, but they are not intended to be your primary source of heat. Many individuals try to save money on their home energy bills by heating one or more rooms with a space heater while lowering the temperature setting on the furnace thermostat. But does it make economic sense to do so? The answer is dependent on your specific circumstances.

Do Space Heaters Save Money
Do Space Heaters Save Money

1. House Size Matters

Space heaters operate best in small, confined areas. A space heater is unlikely to save you energy if your home has an open floor plan or even if the area you want to heat is larger than half the size of the home. Because heating an area with electricity costs almost twice as much as heating the same area with propane, using an electric space heater to warm the equivalent of half the house will not save you any money. In fact, if you’re using the space heater in an excessively big area, you may end up paying more to heat your home.

2. Space Heater Temperature Settings

A thermostat controls the temperature of most space heaters. Many small space heaters utilise 1,500 W per hour at full power and as little as 300 W per hour on low power. The thermostat setting can influence whether or not utilising a space heater will save you money on your energy expenses. According to Consumer Reports, turning the thermostat back for the rest of the house will also result in big savings.

Space heaters operate best in small, confined areas. A space heater is unlikely to save you energy when your home has an open floor plan or indeed the area you want to heat is larger than half the size of the home.

3. Hours of Use

The number of hours you use your space heater each day also has an impact on whether you save money on your energy bill. Running the space heater at full blast all day to keep a dining area nice and cosy while the furnace works overtime to keep the rest of the house warm is unlikely to result in decreased energy expenditures.

4. Let’s Calculate

Consumer Reports provides an estimate of how much it will cost to run one 1,500-Watt space heater:

  • Divide the number of hours used each day by 1,500 W. (or the number of KW your space heater uses per hour).
  • Multiply this figure by the cost of electricity in Kilowatt-hours.
  • Divide this figure by 1,000 to calculate the daily cost of running your space heater.

Multiply the expense per day by the number of days in a week or month to calculate weekly or monthly expenditures. To establish how much you will save by utilising a space heater, compare these costs to your regular energy costs.


If you are tired of paying high energy costs during the winter months of the year, consider using a space heater to reduce your overall energy consumption. Space heaters can save you money in certain situations, but you should experiment and compare your electric bill at the end of the month.

There’s a fair probability that using a space heater to warm certain rooms and lower the temperature of your entire home will save you money on your power bill. Are you using space heaters to heat specific rooms in your house? Leave a comment on your experience!

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