Home Technology News YouTube Premium Users Now Have Access to AI Features

YouTube Premium Users Now Have Access to AI Features

by Jack
2 minutes read
YouTube Premium Users Now Have Access to AI Features

YouTube Premium Users Now Have Access to AI Features. YouTube has launched the trial of two pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) tools meant to revolutionise the user experience in an audacious drive to improve content development and viewer engagement. The platform’s most recent project demonstrates its dedication to incorporating cutting-edge AI into the YouTube ecosystem.

YouTube Premium Users Now Have Access to AI Features

YouTube Premium AI Feature

Using AI Insight to Summarise Comments

The first in the series is an experimental tool that uses artificial intelligence to compress lengthy comment sections into brief, theme-based summaries. This feature gives an innovative approach to categorise comments on specific videos by ‘Topics’. The goal is to make it easier for both artists and viewers to navigate debates.

The objective is to enable producers to communicate with their audiences more effectively and create fresh material that is relevant to their interests. The feature is selective, pulling only from published comments and omitting those that are being reviewed or contain restricted content. It is now limited to a few English-language videos with a lot of comment activity.

Using a Conversational AI Tool to Improve Learning

YouTube’s second experimental tool is a conversational AI aimed to enhance learning without interfering with video playback. The programme assists viewers in delving further into video content by providing on-the-go answers, relevant resource recommendations, and interactive quizzes.

The function, which was first limited to a restricted group, will be introduced to U.S.-based YouTube Premium subscribers on Android, encouraging them to connect with a new layer of the platform’s instructional material.

A Continuous Experiment

Recognising the innovative nature of these capabilities, YouTube has highlighted their experimental status as well as the necessity of user feedback for enhancement.

These features, which are only available to YouTube Premium members via youtube.com/new, are a first step towards a potentially more AI-integrated future for the platform. Users who come across these features are urged to actively test them and provide feedback to help shape their development.

Also Read: The YouTube app is testing a new button that will play random videos

How does the conversational AI tool work?

Google claims that the conversational AI capability on YouTube is simple to use:

“While watching a YouTube video, the conversational AI tool allows you to interact with AI to learn more about the content.” You can, for example, ask questions regarding the video you’re viewing or select a suggested prompt such as “recommend related content.”

To begin, follow these steps:

  • Tap Ask.
  • Choose one of the given prompts or type your own.”
YouTube Ai Feature

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